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Amber Movie - Movie Catalogue

Movie catalogue app is for discovering new movies and TV shows. Discover trending movies or TV show, get notification about what's movies or TV show release today! Search your favorite movie or TV show and add it to favorites space! Add widget to your home screen for quick access your favorites! Support English and Bahasa! and more. This app is open source and source available at Github.

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Football App

Android app for lookup football league and events using TheSportDB API. This app is open source, visit my Github for more information.

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Color Blind Test Android

Android application for color blind test using Farnsworth Munsell formula. It's just calculate error score based on formula, not implement what type of color blind at all. This app is open source, take a look on my Github.

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My Website -

My website made with GatsbyJs and Bulma framework. Simple, lightweight and blazing fast! This website is a collection thoughts about computer programming, algorithm, Linux based system and general discussion. My goal is to share what I've learned and experienced. This website has Aflasio's intervention in the design section. Visit my website here.

Pariwisata Finder

This app is coursework project, this app used for find nearest tourism using Mapbox API and tourism data is from local database. I publish source to my Gitlab repository.

Visit my Github repository to see other projects.